Between the Ends: February 9, 2016

I’ve been wondering- What is the antidote for a “Happy Church” infection?

My daughter now faces in the Dayton area what many others face, either because of military transfer or career relocation– establishing a new residence and the circle of acquaintances and connections that are essential to adapting to the “new place.”

But if my daughter’s most recent experiences with finding a new church are at all representative of the brave new world around us, we have reasons for concern and a better reason for our existence. Consider her most recent visits to mega-churches in the Dayton area; large, burgeoning congregations with coffee shops and athletic facilities, but no motivation or need to help her connect to a small group or interest in her as a person. Maybe that’s because, in some churches, its the choreography that matters. In”Happy Churches” as I shall call them, services are created, driven, and enjoyed for their lack of substance– even at times the Bible itself. 

Can it be, as my daughter discovered, that we’ve grown so weary of Jesus’ tedious instruction at the final supper on earth before His crucifixion, that because of time and logistics, we must streamline the communion service so as to include only one of the elements of the celebration of His death? Have the bland generalities of Grace swallowed up the specifics of Biblical truth? Do Muslims know more of their Allah than we know of Jesus- The author and finisher of our faith? 

We’ll speak more about the “Happy Church” infection this Lords, Day, but until then… 

Rejoice in the tedious but thorough Lord Jesus…

Between the Ends: February 2, 2016

I’ve been wondering–

*Did Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow?
*Did Donald Trump win the Iowa primary?
*Will my wife Debbie enjoy her birthday?
*Will I have enough money to retire?
Ok, there are other questions that occupy my mind but most of what bursts into my life probably will not rise to the level of impending, absolutely vital, or even, dare I say, necessary. So what really matters in my week?
*Am I loving my God? If so, how?
*Am I pouring my self into others- my spouse, my kids, my grandkids, my colleagues, my protégés, or employees… What about church families?
*Have I sorted out what will quickly pass from the minds of those around me– or what will rust before I’m done admiring?– the toys that captivate us but in the end steal from us…
Yes there is help, The Church, yep that’s right, God’s Church, has been given the primary task of helping you answer those questions (as well as many more), correctly and biblically today– so that, one day, you’ll thank God– and rejoice in the fullest blessings of eternity!


*February 10 (Wednesday): Missionary, Jim Telman; Africa
*February 13: (Note the change of date) A Valentine banquet with a fresh version of the Newlywed Game.
*March: Baptismal service
*March 11-12: The annual Christian Workers Conference in Grand Rapids.
*June: Annual Man Up 4 Life Backpacking trip
*June: How about it girls, should we rent a cabin, invite the guys and hang out in the woods too?
*August: An All-American game: VBS sports week!

Offering update

Be on the lookout for the ball field offering poster created by our own Jessica Byers.   After some good early innings (offerings), we have rounded first and are on our way toward second base… Can you help us get to third?  Stay tuned, we’re looking for an August VBS.

Between the Ends: January 26, 2016

Deadlines… Deadlines…Deadlines

We live in a world of deadlines. Those of us in leadership positions for this church were asked to provide our year-end reports to the office so that they could be included in the annual report. What’s more?  
*I noticed that the IRS requires your employer to mail your W-2 form by January 31st.  
*On that same note, your taxes must be filed by April 15.
*Every year, those enrolled in Medicare must choose a provider.
*And if you have an anniversary or birthday, it is most beneficial if those closest to you remember that special day in your life.
And so it goes… the list of deadlines grows longer by the years. So it should be no surprise that God abides by deadlines as well. In fact, He has determined a day both to judge the world (Acts 17), and a day where He will evaluate the results of Christians as they have labored for the fruit of righteousness and laid up treasures in heaven(I Corinthians 3; II Corinthians 5).
So, here’s the thing– are we sailing on in our lives, never giving a second thought to the deadlines God has put into place, or proactively approaching our eternity with an eye toward pleasing the Lord who sacrificed His life for our future glory? It’s not too early to be planning for the eternal deadlines God has put into place.

What’s next?

If you’re like me, you like to know what just around the next turn. Here’s some projects we’re working on at Bethel for the coming months.

*February 10 (Wednesday): Missionary, Jim Telman; Africa
*February 13: A Valentine banquet with a fresh version of the Newlywed Game.
*March: Baptismal service:
*March 11-12: The annual Christian Workers Conference in Grand Rapids.
*June: Annual Man Up 4 Life Backpacking trip
*June: How about it girls, should we rent a cabin, invite the guys and hang out in the woods too?

*August: An All-American game: VBS sports week.

Offering update

We await God’s leading as we prepare for a summer ministry, that we hope will include a ball field complete with backstop and bleachers. Our goal is to develop a VBS program around a sports/ baseball theme. Would you consider giving to this project? How do you feel about moon dust?  Stay tuned, we’re looking for an August VBS.

Your Question to Ponder?

What talent or skill set do you possess that might be deployed into the lives of others, through our church, that might create an interest or curiosity in peoples’ lives, or maybe even lead them to connect with this ministry here to learn more about the Lord we serve?

Between the Ends: January 5, 2016

Why not plan now to finish the year well. It’s not too soon to get started right.

If you had but days to gain the wisdom you need for life, how might you spend it?  Our week
 of ministry is built upon the principle that our chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him for ever. With that as a guiding principle, we don’t assemble merely for the sake of saying we have met together. We desire the joy of worship and blessing of fellowship as that attraction that draws us closer to the living God. That principle then informs our times together. 
  • We meet on Wednesdays because knowing the Bible is knowing God. We hear from Him in the Scriptures and in prayer, He hears from us.(Wednesdays at 6:00)
  • Our men meet on Fridays because men need fellowship and a guiding direction in their lives. They need a safe place to become the men God has called them to be.  (Cousins at 6:30am)
One week in 52. How would God want you to spend it?


Putting feet to the theme of the year.

Our theme for this year is prayer but if I know anything about me, I know that merely making a declaration about what I intend to think about is worth no more than the paper I write it on. It’s in the doing where the habit is formed and the discipline strengthened.
With that in mind, I have created a one page per month journal, each month with a new focus on prayer.
Think about prayer, focus on prayer, and reflect on your own prayer life.

Offering Update

We are asking God for the funds needed to finish our ball field complex. We need 
$8,000.00. So far, we have raised $2,500.00. Can you help us?

Between the Ends: January 21, 2016

The Best Laid plans…

Welcome back! Tell me, when was the last time you can remember, when you had a plan in place, only to find that it fell apart; or, maybe, the circumstances surrounding your plans changed; or maybe the conditions under which you thought you would carry out your plan were no longer present?  It was my plan today to join some friends in Nashville and then, later in the week, participate in an ordination council for a ministry colleague of mine. But the weather in and around Nashville Tennessee deteriorated and changed that plan, and so it is, what appeared to Jude, be a blessed opportunity to unpack the Gospel story, suddenly changed because of attacks on God’s truth, requiring Jude to direct his energies to a primer on the fundamentals of the faith. No wonder, Peter writes in his first epistle, “But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is within you.” (3;15)  So, what I really wanted to do… is no longer valid…It is what God desires of me that matters…

What’s next

If you’re like me, you like to know what just around the next turn. Here’s some projects we’re working on at Bethel for the coming months.

*February 13: A Valentine banquet to build a ball field
*February: Baptism service
*March 11-12: The annual Christian Workers Conferene in Grand Rapids.
*June: Annual Man Up 4 Life backpacking trip
*June: How about it girls, should we rent a cabin, invite the guys and hang out in the woods too?
*August: An All-American game: VBS sports week.

Offering update

We await God’s leading as we prepare for a summer ministry, that we hope will include a ball field complete with backstop and bleachers. Our goal is to develop a VBS program around a sports/ baseball theme. Would you consider giving to this project? How do you feel about backstops? We’ll begin to bring those of you who are burdened to help together soon. Stay tuned, We’re looking for an August VBS.

Between the Ends: January 12, 2016

Hitting your stride

This past Sunday afternoon I was privileged to offer some remarks on the occasion of a special recognition for a friend’s retirement after 30 years of leading the choir at my former church. At the close of my remarks, I noted that “Jim” always came to choir prepared, always behaved like a professional and always demonstrated a burden for the Faith once delivered to the saints.
And then, I thought… who else did that every day of his professional life? The Daniel of the Bible, represents the best of Old Testament models; a man whom nothing negative is ever disclosed. We would hasten to confess that while Daniel was not a perfect man, he was a perfected man; whose godliness was reflected in ways that mirror the ministry of my friend. Daniel came to a foreign land, deprived of family, and all the personals that provide us our identity and yet always entered the court prepared, always acted like a professional (even to those whose theology was contrary to his own), and forever kept the Faith once delivered to Him. We would do well to join men and women of his caliber.

From the Superintendent

Even a casual glance at the book of Acts reveals the 4-fold basis of the local church. If it’s a church it must have teaching, worship, fellowship, and prayer. It may do more, but it cannot do less and still be a local church. Our adult Bible class is nearly finished examining the Gospel of Mark under the guidance of Dean Gilmer. We are grateful for the insight. We await the next elective while Ron Oliver enjoys some well deserved rest. Next up: Mike Sweet. Good teaching requires solid preparation on the part of the teacher, and a burden to learn on the part of the listener. Our kids benefit from Richard Burlingham and Hope Leach; both of them commit themselves to unpacking God’s Word each week as well. May their tribe increase.

Offering update

We await God’s leading as we prepare for a summer ministry, that we hope will include a ball field complete with backstop and bleachers. Our goal is to develop a VBS program around a sports/ baseball theme. Would you consider giving to this project? Maybe someone is burdened about moon dust? Who knew?